While the house is all a flutter with two high school boys trying to figure out who and how to ask a girl to the Homecoming Dance, and knives busy cutting oranges for soccer games (just how many times did I sign up for this?!), and interim grade reports that have me concerned, I did something completely frivolous with my time. But, at the same time, I said to myself, when it was all over, FINALLY.
After listening to Illumination on Pandora, I actually went online and ordered the $3.95 sheet music, and sat down with the music glowing on my iPad and taught myself how to play it.
And in those moments when I sat there playing, there wasn’t a thing in the world that mattered, no achievement or mountain I have climbed (‘metaphorically, of course) compared to this, and I was ready to commit my life to the very act of playing forever. Just like I felt as a teenager…. Not a thing had changed in my heart.
And then, then, I realized why I had waited so long to play again…. Because it’s just too hard to pull myself away from the keys, and get back to reality.